Ceramic Braces

Ceramic Braces | St. Louis Orthodontist

A conglomeration of ceramic and metal materials, ceramic braces are a more modern alternative to traditional metal braces. They are often a preferred orthodontic mechanism for patients when compared to their metal counterparts mainly because of aesthetics, as they function the same as regular braces but are much less visible. Therefore, ceramic braces are mainly used on older teenagers and adult patients with cosmetic concerns. Although they are visually less prominent, they do require more attention to detail in regards to oral hygiene given they are slightly larger and more brittle than metal braces.

For these reasons, ceramic braces tend to be used primarily on the upper teeth. Though they still are not recommended for more severe orthodontic conditions, technology for ceramic braces has come a long way since their induction into the world of orthodontics in the 1980’s.

Contact St. Louis Orthodontics Group today to discuss ceramic braces with an experienced orthodontist and to learn if these are right for your treatment!

Are Ceramic Braces Right for You?

There are many benefits of ceramic braces, such as:

  • They are less obvious than the traditional metal braces. They offer either translucent brackets (suitable for teeth that are noticeably white) or tooth-colored brackets (more suitable for slightly darker teeth), both of which blend well with their prospective teeth.
  • They are considerably strong and made with higher quality material than in their early days.

However, ceramic braces do come with some important drawbacks that you will need to discuss with your orthodontist:

  • They are not suitable for patients with orthodontic conditions of a more severe nature because the ceramic brackets are unable to withstand the same amount of pressure as metal brackets.
  • Ceramic braces are more expensive than their metal counterparts.
  • Although ceramic brackets blend in with the teeth, they are also slightly larger than metal brackets and in some instances, can be a bit more cumbersome to maintain.
  • Ceramic braces are coupled with transparent wires. These wires can be prone to staining, depending on the kinds of food, and drink you consume. Fortunately, these wires are changed with every scheduled adjustment.

How Ceramic Braces Work

Ceramic Braces | Orthodontist in St. Louis

Ceramic braces work in the same way their metal counterparts do. Just like with metal braces, they move teeth by applying continuous pressure on them, dispersed over time. The orthodontist will use the combination of brackets and archwires to guide teeth into their desired positions.

What to Expect with Ceramic Braces

Similarly, like metal braces, once your ceramic braces are fixed, you can expect some discomfort as your teeth begin to transition. The first few days after your braces are initially placed and similarly the first few days after adjustments, you can expect that your teeth will feel particularly sensitive when biting and chewing harder foods. In addition, your lips, cheeks, and tongue may also be sore for 1 to 2 weeks until they begin to toughen and become accustomed to the braces.

Interested in Learning More About Ceramic Braces?

If you are considering orthodontic treatment but feel metal braces are not for you, ceramic braces may be the perfect alternative. St. Louis Orthodontic Group is here to discuss your needs and expectations, including whether ceramic braces are the option that would work best for you. Proudly serving the greater St. Louis area, we have offices in Chesterfield, and O’Fallon. Contact an orthodontist today at whichever location works best for you for a free consultation!