Life with Dental Braces

Dental Braces | St. Louis Orthodontics

Wearing your new dental braces does not have to be the nightmare everyone might try to make it out to be. With just a little extra care, managing life with dental braces can be a breeze. We’ve broken down some basic information about surviving and enjoying life with dental braces.

Foods to Avoid

Rather than focusing on what you can eat, it is easier to just look at the foods to avoid for the successful maintenance of your dental braces. These include:

  • Chewy foods like bagels, hard rolls, or licorice
  • Crunchy foods like ice, popcorn, chips, or pretzels
  • Sticky foods like toffee, caramel, or gum
  • Hard foods like nuts, candy, or raw carrots
  • Foods you must bite into such as corn on the cob, apples, or pears

You’ll also want to be sure to avoid chewing on hard things, like pens, pencils, or your fingernails as this can damage your dental braces and thus delay treatment time.

General Soreness

Dental Braces | Orthodontist in St. Louis

After your dental braces are first fitted, you will likely feel soreness in your mouth. Your teeth may also be quite tender to biting pressures for a few days. Your lips, cheeks, and tongue may become irritated for a couple weeks while they become accustomed to the surface of your new dental braces. However, these discomforts are often temporary, and there are ways to alleviate some of this discomfort, such as applying wax to braces’ edges. We can show you how!

Loosening of Teeth

Remember, movement of the teeth is part of the orthodontic treatment plan. Because of this transition, teeth will feel looser than you are used to. This is absolutely to be expected and your teeth will become solidly fixed again once they’ve all been positioned correctly.

Care of Appliances

Dental Braces | Orthodontist in St. Louis

A substantial aspect of your orthodontic treatment is that it is a partnership between you and your orthodontist. To successfully complete your treatment course and get those dental braces off to reveal your gorgeous new smile as soon as possible, you must cooperate with the doctor and consistently wear the rubber bands or other appliances as prescribed. Damaged appliances often mean the length of treatment will be extended.


Brushing and flossing your teeth is more important than ever now that your dental braces are in place. Patients that do not maintain good oral hygiene may require trips to the dentist with more frequency. Likewise, patients that have a history of gum disease are advised to see a periodontist during orthodontic treatment.


Sports activities do not have to be limited with the use of braces. However, make sure you let us know what your activities are so we can help you protect your teeth and dental braces. You will want to wear a mouthguard, which we provide upon request free of charge. In case of any accidents where your face is impacted, be sure to check your mouth and appliances immediately. If you notice your teeth feel looser than normal or there is damage to your dental braces, call our office right away to make an appointment.

What Else Do You Need to Know About Life with Dental Braces?

If you experience anything else, such as a loose band or wire, or you have any other questions in general, we are here to help. At St. Louis Orthodontic Group, our orthodontist, Drs. Richard Goldberg offer a wealth of knowledge. Please feel free to come to them with any questions regarding dental braces or other orthodontic treatment you may have. Give us a call at any of our 3 St. Louis offices, conveniently located in Chesterfield, and O’Fallon to set up a free consultation with an orthodontist.